歡迎來到 OwlPay API 入口網站!
OwlPay API 遵循 REST 的設計規範。
為了不影響真實的支付資料以及與銀行間的互動,OwlPay API 提供測試模式來模擬支付流程的。
我們會根據不同的 API key 來決定開發者的使用環境是「正式模式」或「測試模式」
API Hosts: https://api.owlpay.com
OwlPay: https://www.owlpay.com
OwlPay for Platform: https://dashboard.owlpay.com
第 1 步. 應用程式透過 Create a vendor API 建立供應商
第 2 步. 用第 1 步建立的供應商,應用程式透過 Create a order API 建立供應商訂單
第 3 步. 應用程式 (1) 透過 Apply a vendor remit info API 替供應商申請 KYC/AML 審核 或 (2) 透過 Create a vendor invite API 邀請供應商到 OwlPay 自行填寫
第 4 步. OwlPay 確認訂單是否允許申請對帳
1. 若無法申請對帳,應用程式必須更新訂單資訊(無法申請對帳的原因,例如訂單被設置了可申請對帳時間)
2. 若可以申請對帳,前往第 5 步
第 5 步. 應用程式申請付款
第 6 步. OwlPay 基於應用程式設置的付款途徑進行付款
Authenticated request example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders \
-u <application_secret>:
OwlPay API 使用金鑰來驗證每個請求
在 OwlPay 的開發者/金鑰 你可以查看及管理您的應用程式 API Key,開發模式的金鑰前綴會是 pk_test_,正式模式的金鑰是 pk_live_。
您的金鑰可以使用於在 OwlPay 上的多數功能,請確保它的儲存安全性並勿分享於公開可被存取的地方(例如 GitHub、客戶端程式碼...等)
您需透過 Bearer 的方式於進行認證 (例如跨網域的請求),請使用 -H 'Authorization: Bearer pk_test_2Wv9xZ....guTPiJ' 代替 -u pk_test_2Wv9xZ....guTPiJ.
• 所有的 API 請求均須通過 HTTPS,若使用 http 的請求即會失敗
• 受金鑰保護的路由請求若無使用金鑰,也會失敗
Http status code summary
200 - OK Everything worked as expected. 400 - Bad Request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. 401 - Unauthorized No valid API key provided. 402 - Request Failed The parameters were valid but the request failed. 403 - Forbidden The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request. 404 - Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist. 409 - Conflict The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key). 429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. 500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors Something went wrong on OwlPay's end. (These are rare.)
Error types
unknowns_error unknowns_error server_error server_error unauthorized unauthorized order_error order_error order_transfer_error order_transfer_error guard_auth_forbidden guard_auth_forbidden data_not_found data_not_found invite_fail invite_fail 2fa_error 2fa_error 2fa_recovery_code_exist 2fa_recovery_code_exist 2fa_recovery_code_incorrect 2fa_recovery_code_incorrect data_is_lock data_is_lock
OwlPay uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter missing, a payout failed, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with OwlPay's servers.
The type of error retruned.
One of unknowns_error, server_error, unauthorized, order_error, order_transfer_error, guard_auth_forbidden, data_not_found, invite_fail, 2fa_error, 2fa_recovery_code_exist, 2fa_recovery_code_incorrect, data_is_lock,
The description of error retruned.
More attributes
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d order_serial=OBExxxooo1234 \
-d currency=USD \
-d total=100 \
-d "meta_data[order_id]"=9527
Response Example
"data": {
"order_status": "owlpay.received_order",
"status": "owlpay.received_order",
"order_serial": "OBExxxooo1234",
"application_order_serial": "OBExxxooo1234",
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 10000,
"is_paid": false,
"order_created_at": "2021-01-27T04:24:50+00:00",
"paid_time_at": null,
"notified_time_at": "2021-01-27T04:24:50+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_VELSI1wQ6ipP8BJU4NZxFp5",
"vendor_name": "",
"customer_vendor_uuid": null,
"is_transferred": false,
"meta_data": [
"order_id": "6735"
"events": [
"type": "order_receive",
"block_number": null,
"transaction_hash": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-27T04:24:50+00:00"
"order_token": "ord_f4cf770962550535fe3cae03b575fb20ee8951449261957e9aa5f9590b5fc699",
"description": null,
"logs": []
"status": 200
透過更新 OwlPay 物件的 metadata 參數為你的 訂單, 供應商, 提領 添加更多資訊。
透過參數的方式,附加 Key-Value 資料給 OwlPay 物件。
有些物件可以支援 description 參數, 你可以使用 description 參數來添加敘述,
(**description**用於添加有助於理解的資訊。例如 某旅館訂單 2021-01-01 ~ 2021-01-15。
不同於 metadata, description 只能是單個字串,而 metadata 則可替你的物件添加豐富的資訊。
另外,請不要於 description 添加敏感資訊 (例如: 信用卡資訊)。
Sample metadata use cases
附加一些關於你的系統識別碼, 這將會方便你在 OwlPay 上辨識及查詢資料
Order Extra
The order extra object
Order transfer Status | description |
uuid | order extra 識別碼 |
extra_rule_uuid | extra rule 識別碼 |
order_uuid | 訂單識別碼 |
order_serial | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
type | order extra 種類 - 金額或比例 (price/percent) |
name | order extra 名稱 |
value | order extra 原始數值 |
amount | order extra 金額 |
inclusive | 訂單金額是否包含 order extra |
currency | order extra 幣別 |
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
type | string | ✅ | order extra 種類 - 金額或比例 (price/percent) | |
name | string | ✅ | order extra 名稱 | |
value | string | ✅ | type 為 price 時帶入金額, percent 帶入比例 | |
inclusive | bool | ✅ | 是否包含 order extra (內含或外加) |
Response Example
"data": [
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"status": "owlpay.order_unconfirmed",
"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
"import_uuid": null,
"is_from_import": false
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
"total": 65,
"count": 12,
"perPage": 12,
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 6,
"links": {
"next": "http://owlpay.owlting.worker/api/platform/applications/app_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl/orders?q=%2Fapi%2Fplatform%2Fapplications%2Fapp_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl%2Forders&page=2"
These list API methods share a common structure, taking at least these three parameters: limit, page.
Our client libraries offer Auto-pagination helpers to easily traverse all pages of a list.
Parameter | Description |
limit | A limit on the number of objects to be returned(default 12). |
page | page |
List Response Format
Parameter | Description |
total | A limit on the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100. default return 12 items. |
count | current page items count. |
perPage | per page items count. |
currenctPage | currenct page. |
totalPages | total pages count. |
links | return next or prev links when they exist. |
The order object
Response Example
"data": {
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"status": "owlpay.order_unconfirmed",
"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
"import_uuid": null,
"is_from_import": false
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
order_token | string | 訂單於 OwlPay 識別碼 (同 uuid) |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uuid | string | 訂單識別碼 |
status | string | 訂單狀態 |
is_checked | boolean | 是否已完成審核 |
order_serial | string | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號 (同 application_order_serial) |
application_order_serial | string | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
application_order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application (您的系統) 建立時間 |
last_reject_transfer_reason | string | 訂單最後被審核駁回的原因 |
is_rejected | boolean | 是否已被駁回 |
currency | string | 幣別 |
total | decimal | 訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) |
original_total | decimal | 原始訂單金額 |
display_currency | string | Application 預設顯示幣別 |
created_at | datetime | 訂單於 OwlPay 上建立時間 |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 識別碼 |
vendor_name | string | 供應商(Vendor) 名稱 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 於 Application (您的系統) 端識別碼 |
description | string | 訂單敘述 |
meta_data | array | Key-Value 資料 (ref: Meta Data) |
order_extras | array | 訂單額外費用明細 (ref: Order Extra) |
Order Status
Order Status | description |
owlpay.received_order | OwlPay 收到訂單 |
platform.order_cancelled | Application 訂單取消 |
vendor.order_unconfirmed | Application 發起申請對帳確認(order_transfer)給 Vendor |
platform.order_unconfirmed | Vendor 發起對帳確認(order_transfer)給 Application |
owlpay.order_confirmed | 對帳單已確認 (有可能是審核通過或審核駁回,要看 Order Object 中的 is_reject 是否為 True) |
owlpay.order_rejected | 對帳申請已被駁回 |
owlpay.order_settled | OwlPay 已結清此訂單 |
bank.transfer_start | 付款 (銀行端) 交易開始 |
bank.transfer_end | 付款 (銀行端) 交易結束 |
List all order status
"data": [
"name": "owlpay.received_order",
"description": "已匯入"
"name": "platform.order_cancelled",
"description": "已取消"
"name": "vendor.order_unconfirmed",
"description": "已申請對帳"
"name": "platform.order_unconfirmed",
"description": "供應商對帳確認中"
"name": "owlpay.order_confirmed",
"description": "雙方已確認對帳"
"name": "bank.transfer_start",
"description": "銀行交易處理中"
"name": "bank.transfer_end",
"description": "銀行交易完成"
"name": "dest_bank.validated",
"description": "銀行款項已確認"
"name": "owlpay.order_settled",
"description": "已結清"
"status": 200
Meta Query
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
lang | string | en | support lang (en, ja, zh_tw, vi, th) |
Order Status | description |
owlpay.received_order | OwlPay 收到訂單 |
platform.order_cancelled | Application 訂單取消 |
vendor.order_unconfirmed | Application 發起申請對帳確認(order_transfer)給 Vendor |
platform.order_unconfirmed | Vendor 發起對帳確認(order_transfer)給 Application |
owlpay.order_confirmed | 對帳單已確認 (有可能是審核通過或審核駁回,要看 Order Object 中的 is_reject 是否為 True) |
owlpay.order_rejected | 對帳申請已被駁回 |
owlpay.order_settled | OwlPay 已結清此訂單 |
bank.transfer_start | 付款 (銀行端) 交易開始 |
bank.transfer_end | 付款 (銀行端) 交易結束 |
Create a order
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d order_serial="OPY12345678" \
-d currency='TWD' \
-d total=10000 \
-d vendor_uuid=<vendor_uuid> \
-d "meta_data[order_id]"=9527
Response Example
"data": {
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"status": "owlpay.order_unconfirmed",
"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
"import_uuid": null,
"is_from_import": false
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
currency | string | ✅ | 幣別遵循 ISO currency Code (請使用大寫英文) | |
total | decimal | ✅ | 訂單於 Application 的訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) | |
application_order_uuid | string | ✅ | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號 | |
is_force_create | boolean | false | 若傳入 True,即使訂單號碼已存在 OwlPay,也會強制建立一筆新的訂單 | |
description | string | 訂單敘述 | ||
vendor_uuid | string | ✅ | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 (ven_),用於更新 | |
application_vendor_uuid | string | ✅ | 供應商於 Application 自訂的識別碼 (必填,與 vendor_uuid 擇一填寫) | |
order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application 建立的時間,時間格式為 W3C 格式 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (例如 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00) | ||
allow_transfer_time_at | datetime | 訂單可申請對帳的時間 | ||
meta_data | array | Key-Value 資料 (ref: Meta Data) | ||
order_extras | array | 訂單額外費用明細 (ref: Order Extra) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
order_token | string | 訂單於 OwlPay 識別碼 (同 uuid) |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uuid | string | 訂單識別碼 |
status | string | 訂單狀態 |
is_checked | boolean | 是否已完成審核 |
order_serial | string | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號 (同 application_order_serial) |
application_order_serial | string | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
application_order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application (您的系統) 建立時間 |
last_reject_transfer_reason | string | 訂單最後被審核駁回的原因 |
is_rejected | boolean | 是否已被駁回 |
currency | string | 幣別 |
total | decimal | 訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) |
original_total | decimal | 原始訂單金額 |
display_currency | string | Application 預設顯示幣別 |
created_at | datetime | 訂單於 OwlPay 上建立時間 |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 識別碼 |
vendor_name | string | 供應商(Vendor) 名稱 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 於 Application (您的系統) 端識別碼 |
description | string | 訂單敘述 |
meta_data | array | Key-Value 資料 (ref: Meta Data) |
order_extras | array | 訂單額外費用明細 (ref: Order Extra) |
Create orders (batch)
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders/batch \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d "orders[0][vendor_uuid]"=<vendor_uuid> \
-d "orders[0][order_serial]"="OPY12345678" \
-d "orders[0][currency]"="TWD" \
-d "orders[0][total]"=10000 \
-d "orders[0][meta_data][order_id]"=9527
Response Example
"data": [
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"status": "owlpay.order_unconfirmed",
"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
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"status": 200,
"pagination": {
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"next": "http://owlpay.owlting.worker/api/platform/applications/app_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl/orders?q=%2Fapi%2Fplatform%2Fapplications%2Fapp_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl%2Forders&page=2"
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
currency | string | ✅ | 幣別遵循 ISO currency Code (請使用大寫英文) | |
total | decimal | ✅ | 訂單於 Application 的訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) | |
application_order_uuid | string | ✅ | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號 | |
is_force_create | boolean | false | 若傳入 True,即使訂單號碼已存在 OwlPay,也會強制建立一筆新的訂單 | |
description | string | 訂單敘述 | ||
vendor_uuid | string | ✅ | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 (ven_),用於更新 | |
application_vendor_uuid | string | ✅ | 供應商於 Application 自訂的識別碼 (必填,與 vendor_uuid 擇一填寫) | |
order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application 建立的時間,時間格式為 W3C 格式 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (例如 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00) | ||
allow_transfer_time_at | datetime | 訂單可申請對帳的時間 | ||
meta_data | array | Key-Value 資料 (ref: Meta Data) | ||
order_extras | array | 訂單額外費用明細 (ref: Order Extra) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 訂單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
status | string | 訂單狀態 |
application_order_serial | string | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
application_order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application (您的系統) 建立時間 |
created_at | datetime | 訂單於 OwlPay 上建立時間 |
currency | string | 幣別 |
total | decimal | 訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 識別碼 |
vendor_name | string | 供應商(Vendor) 名稱 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 於 Application (您的系統) 端識別碼 |
Retrieve a order
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders/{order_uuid} \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": {
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
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"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
"import_uuid": null,
"is_from_import": false
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
order_token | string | 訂單於 OwlPay 識別碼 (同 uuid) |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uuid | string | 訂單識別碼 |
status | string | 訂單狀態 |
is_checked | boolean | 是否已完成審核 |
order_serial | string | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號 (同 application_order_serial) |
application_order_serial | string | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
application_order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application (您的系統) 建立時間 |
last_reject_transfer_reason | string | 訂單最後被審核駁回的原因 |
is_rejected | boolean | 是否已被駁回 |
currency | string | 幣別 |
total | decimal | 訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) |
original_total | decimal | 原始訂單金額 |
display_currency | string | Application 預設顯示幣別 |
created_at | datetime | 訂單於 OwlPay 上建立時間 |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 識別碼 |
vendor_name | string | 供應商(Vendor) 名稱 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 於 Application (您的系統) 端識別碼 |
description | string | 訂單敘述 |
meta_data | array | Key-Value 資料 (ref: Meta Data) |
order_extras | array | 訂單額外費用明細 (ref: Order Extra) |
Cancel orders
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d "order_uuids[]=OPY12343210001" \
-d "order_uuids[]=OPY12343210002"
Response Example
"data": [
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
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"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
"import_uuid": null,
"is_from_import": false
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
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"count": 12,
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"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 6,
"links": {
"next": "http://owlpay.owlting.worker/api/platform/applications/app_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl/orders?q=%2Fapi%2Fplatform%2Fapplications%2Fapp_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl%2Forders&page=2"
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
order_uuids | array | ✅ | 請填入 *欲取消的訂單識別碼* 或 *application_order_serials* (擇一填入) | |
application_order_serials | array | ✅ | 欲取消 Application 的訂單,請填入 *訂單編號* 或 *order_uuids* (擇一填入) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 訂單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
status | string | 訂單狀態 |
application_order_serial | string | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
application_order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application (您的系統) 建立時間 |
created_at | datetime | 訂單於 OwlPay 上建立時間 |
currency | string | 幣別 |
total | decimal | 訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 識別碼 |
vendor_name | string | 供應商(Vendor) 名稱 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 於 Application (您的系統) 端識別碼 |
List all orders
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": [
"order_token": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"object": "order",
"uuid": "ord_978be7deca82a65525f74bec7a3077cf26138409d8838cce0cca5fbfbe4b02d7",
"status": "owlpay.order_unconfirmed",
"status_group": "submit",
"is_checked": false,
"is_allow_transfer": false,
"is_allow_close": false,
"is_allow_confirmed": false,
"is_allow_correction": false,
"deny_transfer_reasons": [],
"order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_serial": "ORD20220101010101001",
"application_order_created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"allow_transfer_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:00:00+00:00",
"last_reject_transfer_reason": null,
"is_rejected": false,
"currency": "TWD",
"total": 100012,
"original_total": 100012,
"display_currency": "TWD",
"created_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"vendor_name": "Your Vendor Name",
"application_vendor_uuid": "0001",
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": true,
"description": null,
"meta_data": {},
"status_logs": [
"name": "Incomplete reconciliation",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:27:41+00:00"
"name": "Pending for approval",
"is_current": true,
"updated_time_at": "2022-04-07T16:40:45+00:00"
"name": "Approved",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Pending for payment",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"name": "Paid successfully",
"is_current": false,
"updated_time_at": null
"order_extras": {
"inclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"exclusive": {
"total": 0,
"items": []
"closed_transfer_reason": null,
"order_transfer_uuid": "otr_LgURkR4yTufr2j5fyW2WMGH",
"accounting_uuid": null,
"vendor_status": "approved",
"is_has_need_correction": false,
"import_uuid": null,
"is_from_import": false
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
"total": 65,
"count": 12,
"perPage": 12,
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 6,
"links": {
"next": "http://owlpay.owlting.worker/api/platform/applications/app_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl/orders?q=%2Fapi%2Fplatform%2Fapplications%2Fapp_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl%2Forders&page=2"
Parameter | Type | Description |
currency | string | 訂單幣別 |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 識別碼 (prefix: ven_) |
vendor_email | string | 供應商電子郵件 ( 參考:The vendor object) |
application_order_serial | string | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號陣列 (參考:The order object) |
application_order_serials | array | 訂單於 Application 的訂單編號陣列 (參考:The order object) |
order_uuid | string | 訂單於 OwlPay 的識別碼 (prefix: ord_)(參考:The order object) |
order_uuids | array | 訂單於 OwlPay 的識別碼陣列(參考:The order object) |
order_status | string | 訂單狀態(參考:The order object) |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 的識別碼(參考:The vendor object) |
during_created_at | string | 訂單於 OwlPay 建立時間 (格式:ISO8601(W3C)) |
during_order_created_at | array | 訂單於 Application 的建立時間 (預設時區: UTC+0) (參考:The order object) |
during_allow_transfer_time_at | array | 訂單可進行申請對帳的時間 |
is_rejected | boolean | 訂單已被駁回 |
is_vendor_kyc_passed | boolean | 供應商是否已通過驗證 |
uuid_query | string | 根據 OwlPay uuid 搜尋 (order uuid / orders reconciliation uuid / accounting uuid) |
vendor_status_list | array | 供應商狀態搜尋 (uncheck / approved / deleted) |
import_uuid | string | 匯入訂單識別碼 |
import_uuids | array | 匯入訂單識別碼陣列 |
Query for pagination
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
page | int | 1 | ref: Pagination |
limit | int | 12 | ref: Pagination |
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 訂單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
status | string | 訂單狀態 |
application_order_serial | string | 來自於 Application (您的系統) 的訂單編號 |
application_order_created_at | datetime | 訂單於 Application (您的系統) 建立時間 |
created_at | datetime | 訂單於 OwlPay 上建立時間 |
currency | string | 幣別 |
total | decimal | 訂單金額(OwlPay 付款給供應商的金額) |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 識別碼 |
vendor_name | string | 供應商(Vendor) 名稱 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商(Vendor) 於 Application (您的系統) 端識別碼 |
Orders reconciliation
The orders reconciliation object
Response Example
"data": {
"is_test": true,
"is_pair_approval": false,
"group_uuid": null,
"uuid": "otr_lBfu9B0YZmzk6nRb5SzznIS",
"object": "order_transfer",
"uncheck_count": 0,
"checked_count": 1,
"currency": "TWD",
"status": "settled",
"total": 2980,
"settled_total": 0,
"finished_at": "2021-03-28 09:08:27",
"display_currency": "TWD",
"display_total": 2980,
"fee_currency": "TWD",
"fee": 0,
"display_fee_currency": "TWD",
"display_fee": 0,
"apply_user": {
"object": "order_transfer.apply_user",
"owlting_uuid": "08842a50-9940-11e8-b24c-5f482ae31d14",
"name": "OwlPay Apply User",
"email": "owlpay@owlting.com",
"guard": "platform"
"orders": [
"vendors": [
"object": "order_transfer.vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "4dae51cf-c26f-41c2-9b89-202338ce5f3e",
"uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"email": "owlpay_vendor@gmail.com",
"name": "OwlPay Vendor Name"
"created_at": "2021-03-19T08:19:02+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-03-28T09:08:27+00:00"
"status": 200
Column | Type | Description |
is_test | boolean | 是否為測試環境 |
is_allow_check | boolean | 是否允許當前使用者審核 |
is_allow_batch_finish | boolean | 是否允許批次審核同意 |
group_uuid | string | 目前沒有用 |
uuid | string | 對帳單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uncheck_count | int | 未審核對帳單數量 |
checked_count | int | 已審核對帳單數量 |
status | string | 此 對帳單狀態 |
total | decimal | 對帳單內所有訂單加總金額 |
settled_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled_count | int | 完成審核後的總對帳單數量 |
finished_at | datetime | 完成審核時間 |
created_at | datetime | 對帳單建立時間 |
updated_at | datetime | 對帳單更新時間 |
orders | array | ref: the order object |
vendors.*.application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.email | string | 供應商 Email |
vendors.*.name | string | 供應商姓名 |
draft.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_total | decimal | 未審核的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_count | int | 未審核的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
settled.total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 |
settled.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 |
apply_user.owlting_uuid | string | 申請人於 OwlTing 識別碼 |
apply_user.name | string | 申請人姓名 |
apply_user.email | string | 申請人 Email |
apply_user.guard | string | 申請人身份 (Vendor_user / Application_user) |
Create a orders reconciliation
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders_reconciliation \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d order_serials[0]="OPY00000001" \
-d order_serials[1]="OPY00000002"
Response Example
"data": {
"is_test": true,
"is_pair_approval": false,
"group_uuid": null,
"uuid": "otr_lBfu9B0YZmzk6nRb5SzznIS",
"object": "order_transfer",
"uncheck_count": 0,
"checked_count": 1,
"currency": "TWD",
"status": "settled",
"total": 2980,
"settled_total": 0,
"finished_at": "2021-03-28 09:08:27",
"display_currency": "TWD",
"display_total": 2980,
"fee_currency": "TWD",
"fee": 0,
"display_fee_currency": "TWD",
"display_fee": 0,
"apply_user": {
"object": "order_transfer.apply_user",
"owlting_uuid": "08842a50-9940-11e8-b24c-5f482ae31d14",
"name": "OwlPay Apply User",
"email": "owlpay@owlting.com",
"guard": "platform"
"orders": [
"vendors": [
"object": "order_transfer.vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "4dae51cf-c26f-41c2-9b89-202338ce5f3e",
"uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"email": "owlpay_vendor@gmail.com",
"name": "OwlPay Vendor Name"
"created_at": "2021-03-19T08:19:02+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-03-28T09:08:27+00:00"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
vendor_uuid | string | 供應商識別碼 | |
vendor_email | string | 供應商 Email | |
order_serial | string | Application 訂單編號 | |
order_serials | string | Application 訂單編號陣列 | |
order_uuid | string | 訂單 uuid | |
order_uuids | array | 訂單 uuid 陣列 | |
order_status | string | 訂單狀態 | |
customer_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商 於 Application 端識別碼 | |
during_order_created_at | string | 查詢 Application 從開始建立到現在的訂單 (若未帶時區,會以 UTC+0 來查詢時間) (&during_order_created_at=2020-12-17T00:00:00+08:00,2020-12-18T23:59:59+08:00) |
Column | Type | Description |
is_test | boolean | 是否為測試環境 |
is_allow_check | boolean | 是否允許當前使用者審核 |
is_allow_batch_finish | boolean | 是否允許批次審核同意 |
group_uuid | string | 目前沒有用 |
uuid | string | 對帳單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uncheck_count | int | 未審核對帳單數量 |
checked_count | int | 已審核對帳單數量 |
status | string | 此 對帳單狀態 |
total | decimal | 對帳單內所有訂單加總金額 |
settled_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled_count | int | 完成審核後的總對帳單數量 |
finished_at | datetime | 完成審核時間 |
created_at | datetime | 對帳單建立時間 |
updated_at | datetime | 對帳單更新時間 |
orders | array | ref: the order object |
vendors.*.application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.email | string | 供應商 Email |
vendors.*.name | string | 供應商姓名 |
draft.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_total | decimal | 未審核的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_count | int | 未審核的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
settled.total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 |
settled.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 |
apply_user.owlting_uuid | string | 申請人於 OwlTing 識別碼 |
apply_user.name | string | 申請人姓名 |
apply_user.email | string | 申請人 Email |
apply_user.guard | string | 申請人身份 (Vendor_user / Application_user) |
Retrieve a orders reconciliation
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders_reconciliation/{orders_reconciliation_uuid} \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": {
"is_test": true,
"is_pair_approval": false,
"group_uuid": null,
"uuid": "otr_lBfu9B0YZmzk6nRb5SzznIS",
"object": "order_transfer",
"uncheck_count": 0,
"checked_count": 1,
"currency": "TWD",
"status": "settled",
"total": 2980,
"settled_total": 0,
"finished_at": "2021-03-28 09:08:27",
"display_currency": "TWD",
"display_total": 2980,
"fee_currency": "TWD",
"fee": 0,
"display_fee_currency": "TWD",
"display_fee": 0,
"apply_user": {
"object": "order_transfer.apply_user",
"owlting_uuid": "08842a50-9940-11e8-b24c-5f482ae31d14",
"name": "OwlPay Apply User",
"email": "owlpay@owlting.com",
"guard": "platform"
"orders": [
"vendors": [
"object": "order_transfer.vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "4dae51cf-c26f-41c2-9b89-202338ce5f3e",
"uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"email": "owlpay_vendor@gmail.com",
"name": "OwlPay Vendor Name"
"created_at": "2021-03-19T08:19:02+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-03-28T09:08:27+00:00"
"status": 200
Column | Type | Description |
is_test | boolean | 是否為測試環境 |
is_allow_check | boolean | 是否允許當前使用者審核 |
is_allow_batch_finish | boolean | 是否允許批次審核同意 |
group_uuid | string | 目前沒有用 |
uuid | string | 對帳單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uncheck_count | int | 未審核對帳單數量 |
checked_count | int | 已審核對帳單數量 |
status | string | 此 對帳單狀態 |
total | decimal | 對帳單內所有訂單加總金額 |
settled_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled_count | int | 完成審核後的總對帳單數量 |
finished_at | datetime | 完成審核時間 |
created_at | datetime | 對帳單建立時間 |
updated_at | datetime | 對帳單更新時間 |
orders | array | ref: the order object |
vendors.*.application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.email | string | 供應商 Email |
vendors.*.name | string | 供應商姓名 |
draft.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_total | decimal | 未審核的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_count | int | 未審核的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
settled.total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 |
settled.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 |
apply_user.owlting_uuid | string | 申請人於 OwlTing 識別碼 |
apply_user.name | string | 申請人姓名 |
apply_user.email | string | 申請人 Email |
apply_user.guard | string | 申請人身份 (Vendor_user / Application_user) |
List order reconciliation status
Order transfer Status | description |
unconfirm | 未審核 (預設) |
in_process | 處理中 (當某一對帳單被審核過時) |
wait_remit | 同幣別 (國內, 目前設置為只有TWD) 當對帳單審核通後,轉成待匯款 (wait_remit) |
on_the_way_to_bank | 同幣別 (國內, 目前設置為只有TWD),當使用者下載對帳單後並且尚未被覆核 |
settled | 結清 |
List all orders reconciliation
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/orders_reconciliation \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": [
"is_test": true,
"is_pair_approval": false,
"group_uuid": null,
"uuid": "otr_lBfu9B0YZmzk6nRb5SzznIS",
"object": "order_transfer",
"uncheck_count": 0,
"checked_count": 1,
"currency": "TWD",
"status": "settled",
"total": 2980,
"settled_total": 0,
"finished_at": "2021-03-28 09:08:27",
"display_currency": "TWD",
"display_total": 2980,
"fee_currency": "TWD",
"fee": 0,
"display_fee_currency": "TWD",
"display_fee": 0,
"apply_user": {
"object": "order_transfer.apply_user",
"owlting_uuid": "08842a50-9940-11e8-b24c-5f482ae31d14",
"name": "OwlPay Apply User",
"email": "owlpay@owlting.com",
"guard": "platform"
"orders": [
"vendors": [
"object": "order_transfer.vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "4dae51cf-c26f-41c2-9b89-202338ce5f3e",
"uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"email": "owlpay_vendor@gmail.com",
"name": "OwlPay Vendor Name"
"created_at": "2021-03-19T08:19:02+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-03-28T09:08:27+00:00"
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
"total": 39,
"count": 12,
"perPage": 12,
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 4,
"links": {
"next": "http://owlpay.owlting.worker/api/platform/applications/app_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl/orders_transfer?q=%2Fapi%2Fplatform%2Fapplications%2Fapp_9KITy3ziM4Z841FX6dkRnYl%2Forders_transfer&page=2"
Column | Type | Description |
is_test | boolean | 是否為測試環境 |
is_allow_check | boolean | 是否允許當前使用者審核 |
is_allow_batch_finish | boolean | 是否允許批次審核同意 |
group_uuid | string | 目前沒有用 |
uuid | string | 對帳單識別碼 |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uncheck_count | int | 未審核對帳單數量 |
checked_count | int | 已審核對帳單數量 |
status | string | 此 對帳單狀態 |
total | decimal | 對帳單內所有訂單加總金額 |
settled_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled_count | int | 完成審核後的總對帳單數量 |
finished_at | datetime | 完成審核時間 |
created_at | datetime | 對帳單建立時間 |
updated_at | datetime | 對帳單更新時間 |
orders | array | ref: the order object |
vendors.*.application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 |
vendors.*.email | string | 供應商 Email |
vendors.*.name | string | 供應商姓名 |
draft.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_total | decimal | 未審核的對帳單總金額 (草稿狀態) |
draft.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
draft.uncheck_count | int | 未審核的對帳單總數量 (草稿狀態) |
settled.total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_total | decimal | 審核通過的對帳單總金額 |
settled.reject_total | decimal | 審核駁回的對帳單總金額 |
settled.approve_count | int | 審核通過的對帳單總數量 |
settled.reject_count | int | 審核駁回的對帳單總數量 |
apply_user.owlting_uuid | string | 申請人於 OwlTing 識別碼 |
apply_user.name | string | 申請人姓名 |
apply_user.email | string | 申請人 Email |
apply_user.guard | string | 申請人身份 (Vendor_user / Application_user) |
The vendor object
"data": {
"uuid": "ven_2psRYn3k90lZ1H0H49TcLhg",
"object": "vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "16584585454784",
"name": "VendorTest_1658458545",
"email": "VendorTest_1658458545_7829@owlpay.com",
"description": "",
"note": null,
"is_removed": false,
"is_active": false,
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": false,
"status": "uncheck",
"kyc_status_list": {
"remit_info": { "status": "unchecked", "is_allow_update": true }
"country_iso": "TW",
"is_invited": false,
"is_registered": false,
"remit_info": [
"id": 4856,
"status": 0,
"sort": 0,
"payout_gateway": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"is_enable": 1,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYMARAS",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 供應商識別碼 |
object | string | 供應商物件 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 識別碼 |
name | string | 供應商名稱 |
string | 供應商 Email | |
description | string | 供應商敘述 |
vendor_information | array | 供應商資料,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
contact | array | 供應商聯絡人資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
remit_info | array | 供應商付款資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
Create a vendor
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d name="OwlPay Vendor Name" \
-d email="owlting@owlpay.com" \
-d country_iso="TW"
"data": {
"uuid": "ven_2psRYn3k90lZ1H0H49TcLhg",
"object": "vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "16584585454784",
"name": "VendorTest_1658458545",
"email": "VendorTest_1658458545_7829@owlpay.com",
"description": "",
"note": null,
"is_removed": false,
"is_active": false,
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": false,
"status": "uncheck",
"kyc_status_list": {
"remit_info": { "status": "unchecked", "is_allow_update": true }
"country_iso": "TW",
"is_invited": false,
"is_registered": false,
"remit_info": [
"id": 4856,
"status": 0,
"sort": 0,
"payout_gateway": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"is_enable": 1,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYMARAS",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
name | string | 供應商名稱 | ||
country_iso | string | 供應商國家 | ||
uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 | ||
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 識別碼 | ||
string | 供應商電子郵件 | |||
description | string | 供應商敘述 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 供應商識別碼 |
object | string | 供應商物件 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 識別碼 |
name | string | 供應商名稱 |
string | 供應商 Email | |
description | string | 供應商敘述 |
vendor_information | array | 供應商資料,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
contact | array | 供應商聯絡人資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
remit_info | array | 供應商付款資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
Update a vendor
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors/{vendor_uuid} \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d name="OwlPay Vendor Name" \
-d email="owlting@owlpay.com" \
-d country_iso="TW"
"data": {
"uuid": "ven_2psRYn3k90lZ1H0H49TcLhg",
"object": "vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "16584585454784",
"name": "VendorTest_1658458545",
"email": "VendorTest_1658458545_7829@owlpay.com",
"description": "",
"note": null,
"is_removed": false,
"is_active": false,
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": false,
"status": "uncheck",
"kyc_status_list": {
"remit_info": { "status": "unchecked", "is_allow_update": true }
"country_iso": "TW",
"is_invited": false,
"is_registered": false,
"remit_info": [
"id": 4856,
"status": 0,
"sort": 0,
"payout_gateway": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"is_enable": 1,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYMARAS",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
name | string | 供應商名稱 | ||
country_iso | string | 供應商國家 | ||
uuid | string | 供應商於 OwlPay 的識別碼 | ||
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 識別碼 | ||
string | 供應商電子郵件 | |||
description | string | 供應商敘述 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 供應商識別碼 |
object | string | 供應商物件 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 識別碼 |
name | string | 供應商名稱 |
string | 供應商 Email | |
description | string | 供應商敘述 |
vendor_information | array | 供應商資料,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
contact | array | 供應商聯絡人資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
remit_info | array | 供應商付款資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
Retrieve a vendor
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors/{vendor_uuid} \
-u <application_secret>
"data": {
"uuid": "ven_2psRYn3k90lZ1H0H49TcLhg",
"object": "vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "16584585454784",
"name": "VendorTest_1658458545",
"email": "VendorTest_1658458545_7829@owlpay.com",
"description": "",
"note": null,
"is_removed": false,
"is_active": false,
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": false,
"status": "uncheck",
"kyc_status_list": {
"remit_info": { "status": "unchecked", "is_allow_update": true }
"country_iso": "TW",
"is_invited": false,
"is_registered": false,
"remit_info": [
"id": 4856,
"status": 0,
"sort": 0,
"payout_gateway": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"is_enable": 1,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYMARAS",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 供應商識別碼 |
object | string | 供應商物件 |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商於 Application 識別碼 |
name | string | 供應商名稱 |
string | 供應商 Email | |
description | string | 供應商敘述 |
vendor_information | array | 供應商資料,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
contact | array | 供應商聯絡人資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
remit_info | array | 供應商付款資訊,必填欄位請參考: Vendors remit info |
Delete a vendor
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors/{vendor_uuid} \
-u <application_secret>: \
Response Example
"data": {
"deleted": true,
"message": "success"
"status": 200
delete https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors/{vendor_uuid}
List all vendors
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": [
"uuid": "ven_2psRYn3k90lZ1H0H49TcLhg",
"object": "vendor",
"application_vendor_uuid": "16584585454784",
"name": "VendorTest_1658458545",
"email": "VendorTest_1658458545_7829@owlpay.com",
"description": "",
"note": null,
"is_removed": false,
"is_active": false,
"is_vendor_kyc_passed": false,
"status": "uncheck",
"kyc_status_list": {
"remit_info": { "status": "unchecked", "is_allow_update": true }
"country_iso": "TW",
"is_invited": false,
"is_registered": false,
"remit_info": [
"id": 4856,
"status": 0,
"sort": 0,
"payout_gateway": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"is_enable": 1,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYMARAS",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
"total": 614,
"count": 12,
"perPage": 12,
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 52,
"links": {
"next": "http://owlpay.owlting.worker/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors?q=%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fplatform%2Ftunnel%2Fvendors&page=2"
Meta Query
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
page | int | 1 | ref: Pagination |
limit | int | 12 | ref: Pagination |
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | string | vendor uuid on owlpay |
application_vendor_uuid | string | vendor uuid on application |
object | string | |
name | string | vendor name |
string | vendor email | |
description | string | vendor description |
vendor_information | array | vendor advenced information for KYC |
contact | array | vendor contact information for KYC |
remit_info | array | vendor remit information for KYC |
Vendors remit info
The vendor remit info object
Response Example
"data": [
"payout_gateway_channel": "cathay",
"payout_gateway_key": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"payout_gateway": "Cathay United Bank - Global MyB2B",
"status": "checking",
"sort": 0,
"is_enable": true,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYTEST",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
payout_gateway | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 |
payout_gateway_key | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 key |
payout_gateway_channel | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 (供 AML 審查,包含 cathay/firstBank/nium/visa) 目前支援的請查看 OwlTing AML Schema Tool |
status | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑狀態 |
sort | int | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑優先順序 (數字越小越優先) |
is_enable | boolean | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑是否啟用中 |
detail | object | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑細節內容 |
Apply a vendor remit info
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors/{vendor_uuid}/remit_info/apply \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d payout_channel="cathay" \
-d applicant="company" \
-d "aml_data[companyName]"='Maras Test' \
-d "aml_data[businessAddressCity]"='Taipei' \
-d "aml_data[businessAddressArea]"='Taipei' \
-d "aml_data[businessAddress]"='Taipei' \
-d "aml_data[companyPhoneCode]"='TW' \
-d "aml_data[companyPhoneNumber]"='0912345678' \
-d "aml_data[companyEmail]"='testing@owlpay.com' \
-d "aml_data[companyId]"='12345678' \
-d "aml_data[customName]"='Maras Account' \
-d "aml_data[bankCountry]"='TW' \
-d "aml_data[bankCode]"='013' \
-d "aml_data[branchCode]"='0017' \
-d "aml_data[currency]"='TWD' \
-d "aml_data[accountName]"='OWLPAYMARAS' \
-d "aml_data[account]"='264200000000'
Response Example
"data": [
"payout_gateway_channel": "cathay",
"payout_gateway_key": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"payout_gateway": "Cathay United Bank - Global MyB2B",
"status": "checking",
"sort": 0,
"is_enable": true,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYTEST",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
payout_channel | string | ✅ | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 (需根據 Application 已開通的付款途徑) | |
applicant | decimal | ✅ | 供應商付款資訊 - 個人或公司 (company/individual) | |
aml_data | array | ✅ | 供應商付款資訊 - KYC/AML 詳細資料,需要欄位請參考 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
payout_gateway | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 |
payout_gateway_key | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 key |
payout_gateway_channel | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 (供 AML 審查,包含 cathay/firstBank/nium/visa) 目前支援的請查看 OwlTing AML Schema Tool |
status | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑狀態 |
sort | int | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑優先順序 (數字越小越優先) |
is_enable | boolean | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑是否啟用中 |
detail | object | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑細節內容 |
List all vendor remit info
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendors/{vendor_uuid}/remit_info \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": [
"payout_gateway_channel": "cathay",
"payout_gateway_key": "MyB2B_batch_payout",
"payout_gateway": "Cathay United Bank - Global MyB2B",
"status": "checking",
"sort": 0,
"is_enable": true,
"detail": {
"country_code": "TW",
"bank_code": "013",
"branch_code": "0130017",
"account": "264200000000",
"account_name": "OWLPAYTEST",
"currency": "TWD"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
payout_gateway | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 |
payout_gateway_key | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 key |
payout_gateway_channel | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑 (供 AML 審查,包含 cathay/firstBank/nium/visa) 目前支援的請查看 OwlTing AML Schema Tool |
status | string | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑狀態 |
sort | int | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑優先順序 (數字越小越優先) |
is_enable | boolean | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑是否啟用中 |
detail | object | 供應商付款資訊 - 付款途徑細節內容 |
Vendors Invite
The vendor invite object
Response Example
"data": {
"object": "vendor_invite",
"uuid": "veninv_xxxxxxx",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"connect_invite_hash": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"invite_url": "https://auth.owlting.com/...",
"email": "vendor@owlpay.com",
"is_owlpay_send_email": false,
"expired_at": "2021-09-11T16:23:07+00:00",
"created_at": "2021-09-10T16:23:07+00:00"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uuid | string | vendor invite 識別碼 |
vendor_uuid | string | vendor 的識別碼 |
connect_invite_hash | string | invite token |
invite_url | string | invite 的超連結 |
string,email | invite 的 Email,若建立 invite 時 is_owlpay_send_email = true, 會發邀請信至此 Email | |
expired_at | string, iso8601 | 超連結過期時間 |
created_at | string, iso8601 | 超連結建立時間 |
Create a vendor invite
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendor_invite \
-u <application_secret>: \
-d is_owlpay_send_email=false \
-d email='owlpay-team@owlting.com' \
-d "meta_data[vendor_name]"='Hello'
Response Example
"data": {
"object": "vendor_invite",
"uuid": "veninv_xxxxxxx",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"connect_invite_hash": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"invite_url": "https://auth.owlting.com/...",
"email": "vendor@owlpay.com",
"is_owlpay_send_email": false,
"expired_at": "2021-09-11T16:23:07+00:00",
"created_at": "2021-09-10T16:23:07+00:00"
"status": 200
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
is_owlpay_send_email | boolean | false | 是否需要由 OwlPay 寄送信件 |
string | 若 *is_owlpay_send_email* 為 *True* 需填寫此欄位 | ||
meta_data | array | Metadata 有助於您管理額外的、結構化的物件資訊 | |
vendor | object | 供應商資料,若你想在建立邀請時一併建立供應商,或是邀請已存在 OwlPay 的供應商 (ref: 邀請已存在的供應商或是邀請時同時建立供應商) |
Formdata - vendor invite with vendor
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
uuid | string | 供應商在 OwlPay 上的識別碼,若 uuid 已存在,OwlPay 將邀請供應商加入 (參考: The vendor object) | |
application_vendor_uuid | string | 供應商在 Application的識別碼 (參考: The vendor object) | |
name | string | 在 Application 上的供應商名稱 (參考: The vendor object) | |
description | string | 在 Application 上的供應商描述 (ref: The vendor object) | |
string | 若 *is_owlpay_send_email* 為 *True* 需填寫此欄位 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uuid | string | vendor invite 識別碼 |
vendor_uuid | string | vendor 的識別碼 |
connect_invite_hash | string | invite token |
invite_url | string | invite 的超連結 |
string,email | invite 的 Email,若建立 invite 時 is_owlpay_send_email = true, 會發邀請信至此 Email | |
expired_at | string, iso8601 | 超連結過期時間 |
created_at | string, iso8601 | 超連結建立時間 |
List all vendor invites
Request Example
curl https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/vendor_invite \
-u <application_secret>:
Response Example
"data": [
"object": "vendor_invite",
"uuid": "veninv_xxxxxxx",
"vendor_uuid": "ven_xxxxxxxxxxx",
"connect_invite_hash": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"invite_url": "https://auth.owlting.com/...",
"email": "vendor@owlpay.com",
"is_owlpay_send_email": false,
"expired_at": "2021-09-11T16:23:07+00:00",
"created_at": "2021-09-10T16:23:07+00:00"
"status": 200
只能取得 vendor_invite 尚未過期、且未邀請成功的邀請列表
Parameter | Type | Description |
object | string | 物件名稱 |
uuid | string | vendor invite 識別碼 |
vendor_uuid | string | vendor 的識別碼 |
connect_invite_hash | string | invite token |
invite_url | string | invite 的超連結 |
string,email | invite 的 Email,若建立 invite 時 is_owlpay_send_email = true, 會發邀請信至此 Email | |
expired_at | string, iso8601 | 超連結過期時間 |
created_at | string, iso8601 | 超連結建立時間 |