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Intro to Owlpay

1. What is OwlPay ?

OwlPay is a payout service that provides easy payout for the Company. We support multi-currency and multi-channel payout and collection.

After consumers shop in a Vendor’s store operated on the Company’s e-commerce platform.

OwlPay will transfer the payouts from the Company to the Vendor through a partner bank by collecting transactions from all the Company’s customers and filing them under each respective Vendor.

Once the Company confirms that the transactions collected and summarized by OwlPay are correct, the payout will be made to all of the Company’s Vendors directly without the Company confirming each payout one by one.

OwlPay is partnering with various domestic and foreign banks to facilitate different channels of payout and collection. This may depend on the country that the vendor's bank is located.

2. How OwlPay works with FI/PSP (Blockchain or Fiat)


3. How to use OwlPay ?

Wants to start using OwlPay ? Click Getting Started and understand more !